Specialists in pipe unblocking in Mallorca


At Colis Cleaning we specialise in unblocking pipes in Mallorca, from apartment blocks, business units, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools and shopping centres. We have an ample line of vans of different sizes, according to the needs of the client, which are all equipped with high pressure equipment along with a highly qualified team ready to unblock pipes.

To unblock a pipe in Mallorca, we recommend cleaning with our high pressure equipment, which consists of inserting a hose in to the blocked pipe, with pressurized water passing through the pipe to clean its interior which then unclogs the pipe. In the instance that the pipe is blocked due to it being full of roots, we use a chain system which runs through the interior of the pipe to eliminate them and therefore unblock the pipe. 


At Colis Cleaning we don’t recommend the use of chemical products to unblock pipes in Mallorca, due to it almost always leading to damaged pipes and reduction of their proper function.


At Colis Cleaning we don’t recommend the use of chemical products to unblock pipes in Mallorca, due to it almost always leading to damaged pipes and reduction of their proper function.



Avoid bad smells
It’s very normal for residue to build up on the interior of pipes. With time this residue can create bad smells in the installations. 
Avoid blockages
When carrying out a scheduled cleaning, we eliminate the chance of a blockage occurring by 100%.
Avoiding flooding
Flooding is produced when pipping is dirty. It is not able to cope with the flow of water in extreme cases (torrential rains). When we carry out our maintenance we ensure that the pipes are at 100% function. 
Lengthening the lifespan of your installations
It’s certain that carrying out regular maintenance avoids wear on installations. 
Economic savings
In an installation which has not undergone regular maintenance it is more likely that blockages and flooding will occur. Solving these problems leads to a much higher cost instead of hiring a preventative maintenance service. Which can bring business production to a halt. 


When a pipe has to be repeatedly unblocked it can be due to many reasons: the pipes not having much of a vertical decline or there is damage to the pipe (cracks, breaks, etc…). Which is why, at Colis Cleaning, industrial cleaning company in Mallorca, we recommend carrying out a robotic camera pipe inspection, which will allow us to know the state of the pipes and the root of the problem, which avoids having to completely change the pipping, which circumvents unnecessary economic costs. 


When a pipe has to be repeatedly unblocked it can be due to many reasons: the pipes not having much of a vertical decline or there is damage to the pipe (cracks, breaks, etc…). Which is why, at Colis Cleaning, industrial cleaning company in Mallorca, we recommend carrying out a robotic camera pipe inspection, which will allow us to know the state of the pipes and the root of the problem, which avoids having to completely change the pipping, which circumvents unnecessary economic costs. 

limpiezas colis

We advise relying on a company with enough infrastructure to solve a blockage in a swift and speedy manor. Not only is the price of the service important, you must also take into account that it has these characteristics. Which is why, at Colis Cleaning, industrial cleaning company in Mallorca, we offer a one month guarantee on our services unless the installations are in poor condition.

Quality, cost, speed and efficiency should always go hand in hand and as a customer you will never be without.
Ask us for a no obligation quote.